Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Class One:
Perek 1-3.
1) Moshiach as a person; Moshiach's influence on people and even on animals and minerals.
2) Rav (teacher) and Melech HaMoshiach (King. who provides and teaches etc. from a distance). Simply Rav- Hasaga; Melech- Reiya.
3) More precisely, the entire era of Moshiach is above ordinary understanding, and as such, Moshiach as Rav- provides Reiya, and as Melech above (even) Reiya.
4) All this is 'earned' through the Avodah on Galus, when we have Mesiras Nefesh using Middas HaNetzach which is above change and brings into the world a light that is beyond change.
Class Two:
5) The Rebbe refers to the additional Mashal (in the Previous Rebbe's Ma'amar from 5709) where he brings the additional Mashal of the Neshama coming into the Guf (in addition to the Mashal of Galus, and the Mashal of Ibur (pregnancy) to that Mashal).
6) he explains the additional Mashal to enlighten the idea of ירידה צורך עלי'ה and in light if this explains that Moshiach teaches us Hasga also, but on a much higher level than now: the idea of Elokus BiPshitus (is special even regarding Hasaga).
7) Kavanas HaTzimtzum Bishvil HaGilui.
8) The two perspectives of Elokus BiPshitus and Olomos BiPshitus os what truly separates now from the times of Moshiach.
Class Three:
9) This higher idea of what will be revealed when Moshiach comes, is also connected to Galus.
10) The Galus reveals the Yechida during the Galus itself, and isn't only setting up advantages after Moshiach comes.
11) Because it reveals the Choshech HaTzimtzum and the Kavana which is easier to see then- to reveal the Kavana of darkness.