Welcome to Project Melukat, the online destination committed to assisting the learning of Maamarim Melukat.
“You ask: What does your spiritual bond with me — your hiskashrus — consist of, since I do not know you by face…?
True connection is attained by Torah study. When you study my Maamarim of Chassidus, etc… — this is what constitutes hiskashrus.”
- Hayom Yom, 24 Sivan
When you learn a Maamar properly, you are immersing yourself in something unparalled. It is pure g-dliness set out for you in a simple structure, yet with so much depth that you can learn the same discourse hundreds of times and still find new levels. It is what forms a chossid. It changes the way you look at the world, helping you understand how spirituality is the true reality.
It says in Hayom Yom that the way to connect to the Rebbe is through studying his teachings. “Ana kasvis yahavis” - The Rebbe invested himself, his very essence, into his works. When you learn a Maamar you are connecting to the Rebbe in a way similar to how Tanya describes Torah study: “And it is a most wonderful unity; there is no unity similar or parallel to it”. It is self-evident that this is even more so with Maamarim Melukat, for the Rebbe edited these Maamarim with his own hand.
Join Project Melukat as we go through Sefer Ha'Maamarim on an easily attainable schedule.
The Project Melukat Team works tirelessly to do everything possible to assist with the learning of Maamarim Melukat, and we know that together we can bring Moshiach now!
Project Melukat is dedicated in Loving Memory of Rabbi Akiva Wagner