Rabbi Yossi Paltiel


Click here for Rabbi Paltiel’s in-depth (24 part) series on this Maamar.

Class One: This class which discusses the very beginning and very end of this difficult Ma'amar, gets at the essence of this Ma'amar. The questions: 1) Vinacha... Ruach Hashem allows for no opposites but we then follow up with dualities: Chochma UBina etc. 2) How can there be duality in Ein Sof (LIma'amla Ma'amala and LImata Mata)? Answer: The Ma'amar begins assuming that Hashem is one and World is two, and there's no other form. In the answer we discover that in Atzmus, the stage is already set for the opposites that will reveal themselves, in Yecholes that is later revealed (MeAin HaMaor) in Ohr Ein Sof! [This then is the answer, the One joins with the two and does not destroy it, this explains that even 'Morach ViDuin' is Torah!].

Class Two: Atzilus and BY"A, four differences: 1) Atzilus is one and unchangeable, while BY"A is not, 2) Atzilus has no identity other than to reveal the Source, BY"A is not like that. 3) Ohr and Koach, whether the constant renewing is revealed (Ohr) or hidden (Koach). 4) Because of 'MeAin HaMaor' the Ohr has the Bittul of Da'as Elyon of the Source.

Class Three: Four ideas in Ohr vs. Koach 1) Atzilus is Ohr, BY"A is Koach. 2) Atzilus itself has Ohr and Koach, BY"A itself also has Ohr and Koach. 3) Two levels of light before the Tzimtzum are Ohr and Koach. 4) Yecholes includes (in one) Yecholto LiHair and Yecholto shelo LiHair. This sets up the answer, how because of 'MeAin HaMor' in the Ohr both opposites exist.


Rabbi Fishel Oster