Rabbi Yossi Paltiel


Class One: This class addresses a point made by the Rebbe's father in his notes to Tanya Perek 37.
The reward when Moshiach comes will be for מעשינו ועבודתינו.
He explores the difference between מעשה and עבודה using the 12th letter in Iggeres HaKodesh (in Tanya) as a model.
Ma'aseh (מעשה) involves getting past the nature of the Animal Soul to the Nature (מציאות, ציור עצמי) of the Godly Soul. It reveals the אור אין סוף which filled the מקום החלל before the Tzimtzum and will be revealed in Yemos HaMoshiach.
Avoda (עבודה) involves getting past the nature of the Godly Soul to a level of no מציאות or ציור עצמי, where it is about Godliness not (even) about the Godly Soul! It reveals the אור אין סוף which is higher than the אין סוף which filled the מקום החלל before the Tzimtzum, including העלם העצמי ממש; and this will be revealed in Olom Habba.

Class Two: This (shorter) class includes the beginning and the end of the Ma'amar about Ekev.
At the end of time, everyone WILL complete their purpose, and due to the hardships, we will achieve it on a level of מעשה and עבודה and reveal the levels of Ein Sof and even Atzmus.
The Nisyonos and the Mesiras Nefesh of the Tzadikim spares others the need to go through similar Mesiras Nefesh.

לעילוי נשמת הרב התמים מיכאל עקיבא גרשון בן ר' רפאל מנחם נחום ע"ה


Rabbi Mendy Schapiro