Rabbi Shmuel Wagner


Part 1: As we begin this מאמר, the רבי delves into the עבודות represented by יהודה and יוסף, respectively:

Learning תורה - represented by יוסף - is an experience of logic, and of delight. Contrarily, doing מצות - represented by יהודה - is an experience of submissiveness, 'dry' and rigid קבלת עול. These are the two polar perspectives we have within our connection to Hashem.

Part 2: Now that we have the two perspectives: learning תורה - serving Hashem with intellect and delight, and doing מצות - serving Hashem with submission and selflessness, the רבי ties it in with the well-known מחלוקת in the גמרא about which is greater: תלמוד or מעשה?
Although the גמרא answers that תלמוד is greater, when משיח comes, מעשה will be greater. As the רבי explains, this expresses the core quality of serving Hashem with the ultimate selflessness of doing things purely for Hashem, without any ulterior motive, no matter how spiritual.
What does this look like? What is the connection to ה' טבת? Join us as we finish the מאמר and segue into a possible פארברענגען. Gut Yom Tov!


Rabbi Chanoch Bistritzky


Boruch Shneur Kalmenson