Rabbi Yossi Paltiel



Class One: This Ma'amar begins with the Alter Rebbe's 'it could have been' that we serve Hashem on a level where each day Yiddishkeit is brand new; and to do that you must associate with the level where nothing ever changes, and to internalize that you must reach Atzmus.
And then he (will discuss) how it is; since we are not on that level we are on a level where the world has a place and therefore one's Joy and Sadness is connected to physical things.
The Rebbe explores why only for the highest level (Atzmus) is this certain.

Class Two: This class explores if we are not on the level where Yiddishkeit is always new, and we can forget.
Here we need redemption on the two levels of ציון and שבי'ה. The first level isn't exiled it is removed (hidden from us) the second is actually exiled.
He explains how to remedy it through Torah we correct ציון and through Tzedaka we correct ושבי'ה and then we bring forward Atzmus.


Rabbi Shais Taub