Rabbi Yossi Paltiel


Class One: This class has two very important introductions, that, it seems, are new ideas that the Rebbe focused on more after 5738 (especially the one about Teshuva). Introduction one: The Rebbe speaks about the purpose of creation being Teshuva, and in this itself there are two ideas. One: the notion that במי נמלך בנשמותיהם של צדיקים (the divine consultation for creation was with/ for Tzadikim) thus the phenomena of Teshuva is altogether a Chidush (see Maamar Visavti Bishalom before this one and more.) Two: The idea that although אין כח חסר פוועל למעלה, but the פועל exists in מדריגת הכח. Only when the world is truly actualized is there the notion of Teshuva, (והרוח תשוב אל האלוקים אשר נתנה) to return to its Maker and Creator now that it has been actually created. Introduction Two: (In many ways the opposite of the first intro), the idea that Yidden exist in His thought before any association with creation altogether. In this (class on this) Ma’amar the Rebbe adds that this applies to Torah as well, and specifically to the three poles of תורה ,עבודה ,גמילת חסדים (and לענ”ד עצע”ג).

Class Two: The second idea is developed in this class. Until the world is actual, and we serve Him actually, the aspect of Teshuva is missing. Example: The world waited for its certainty until 6 Sivan (as it says יום השישי with the extra ה). But He knows the future and it is certain that we will acquiesce to His bidding, nevertheless, until it is actual, it is missing (the Teshuva aspect, and as such) the idea of actualization. The two meanings of וישב יעקב בארץ מגורי אביו: A) Fear of Hashem B) The idea of collecting (בירורים) of sparks. The second is more Teshuva than the first.

Class Three: The beginning and the end of the Ma’amar is discussed here. Is He redeeming us (as the Possuk indicates) or are we redeeming Him (the Chazal). The idea of Tzadik, is Him redeeming us, and the idea of Ba’al Teshuva, is Us redeeming Him (and enhancing His redemption of us). Toraso Umnaso by every Yid.


Rabbi Yossi Lipskier


Boruch Shneur Kalmenson