Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Lihavin Inyan Pesach Sheni 5738
This class makes Iyar higher than Nissan, and Pesach Sheini higher than Pesach Rishon.
There are four ideas:
1) Iskafia, this is the "escape" from Mitzrayim in Nissan, birur Milmata LiMaala.
2) Ishapcha, this is in Iyar during Sefiras HaOmer when we transform our character, Birur MilMaala Limata; This is the level of Aharon HaKohen.
3) Light which is above Ishapcha altogether. This is the level of Moshe Rabbeinu.
The idea of משכיני אחריך נרוצה means the נפש האלוקית not the נפשה הבהמית.
4) Iskafia (again) after achieving Ishapcha like the idea of mentioning יציאת מצרים after Moshiach comes.