Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
כימי צאתך ה'תשל"ט: This Ma'amar addresses the basic question: Didn't leaving Egypt take one day not many days? The basic answer is that until Moshiach comes we continue leaving Mitzrayim. A) There are limitations of evil. This actually happens in the ONE day. We leave Egypt, this is called מיצר והעלם. B) There are limitations within Kedusha. These are the MANY DAYS (until Moshiach) to depart from these Galus, this is called מיצר וגבול. Kabbalistically, all levels after the Tzimtzum are Mitzrayim in some way, moreover the Kav is also Mitzrayim. Only the pre-Tzimtzum Light is Yetzias Mitzrayim. After Moshiach comes, everything will be in a way of חידוש. This is achieved especially through the efforts of the Yidden at the very end of Galus, because now we have מסירת נפש and the עבודה of אל יובש מפני המלעיגים.