Rabbi Yossi Paltiel


This edited Ma'amar (came out in 5749 Mugga) addresses the Ma'amar of the Alter Rebbe by the same name. The question is why the Alter Rebbe (uncharacteristically) brings a P'shat which he then rejects. The idea that אשה מזרעת תחילה יולדת זכר and איש מזריע תחילה יולדת נקבה [if the woman produces seed first the child will be male; if the man produces seed forst the child will be female] is debated. The Chokrim say it is because what comes second (the male seed) is dominant and the Alter Rebbe (after bringing them) argues that it's due to the fact that female energy came first. The Ma'amar explains these two opinions as being linked to אתערותא דלתתא and אתערותא דלעילא (arousal from below vs. arousal from above) which is better. Ultimately from below is better and deeper but initially it's the other way around. This is why he brings the view he (ultimately) disagrees with.


Rabbi Moshe Gurary