Rabbi Yossi Paltiel


Class One. Ch. 2-3 of the Maamar. What all opinions agree about the differences between Mimalei’s Ohr and Sovev’s Ohr. 1) Hischalkus, 2) [Bekia,] the Dveikus is not mamosh davuk, 3) Keilim from Reshimu through complete Siluk in first Tzimtzum, 4) Sovev was only touched by the Tzimtzum etc.

Class Two. The chidush of this Maamar: Giluyim is a Keli for Atzmus since giluyim (especially Mimalei) was effected most by Tzimtzum HaRishon. And at the point of Tzimtzum HaRishon, there was the removal of all Giluyim that revealed Atzmus mamosh to empower Mimalei to receive and unify Giluyim with Atzmus.


Rabbi Dov Wagner


Rabbi Fishel Oster