Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Class One: This first Class on this Ma'amar has a long fascinating introduction, overviewing the Ma'amar, including a discussion on the two levels of understanding the Possuk ואתה קדוש יושב תהילות ישראל and the story associated with it: is it Gilyuim or Atzmus.
It then deals with the first half of the Ma'amar, that deals with Rosh Chodesh, and the disappearing moon (and its being a single point) representing Bittul, which sets up the possibility of the NEW moon.
It then discusses Bittul on both edges 1) as being lower than all the Giluyim, like Bittul based on אין עניות אלא בדעת real spiritual poverty and 2) higher than all Giluyim (including Chaya Yechida!) which the Rebbe explained using the ChaZaL that says פתי יאמין לכל דבר זה משה that Moshe's incredible intellect led him to relate to hashem as though he were foolish, because this is closer to the Truth.
Emunah and Bittul with no feeling vs. a notion of הרגש הפלאת העצמות which is like the revelation of Atzmus.
The idea of Giluyim includes השמים כסאי- Pnimiyim, and איזה בית- Makifim, including Yechida (!!!).
Class Two: The second Class on the Ma'amar deals with aligning the three ideas of the first class: 1) Bittul lower than Giluyim; 2) and Giluyim (including Yechida) 3) and Bittul above Giluyim with the three ideas discussed in Chassidus so many times about fruits of Urlah Rivaii etc.
1) the three years of Urlah, are ארץ which is מלכות being inspired by נה"י alone. The proximity of נה"י to מלכות means that נה"י also only inspires an action and therefore needs protection, thus the Avoda of Iskafia (not eating those fruit).
2) the fourth year whose fruit is Neta Revii, edible only as holy food, the idea here is that the ארץ (which is מלכות) is inspired by תפארת (or חג"ת) this is the level of Tzadik, who hates evil, accordingly, the Avoda is not defensive but proactive: we eat it. However, even this is limited so (in order to praise God) the food must be eaten in holiness in the holy city of Yerushalayim.
3) and ‘the fifth year, where the food is ordinary (eaten even in Tuma'a) and makes the world a home for God. The idea here is that the Avoda comes from 'the fifth level' (Kesser) and has no limits, and accordingly, the ordinary life of a Yid and his thanking Hashem (even) under these conditions, also affects holiness, and makes Hashem a home; with the emphasis that this is not a Motzvah but the choices the Yi makes by himself.
The Rebbe connects these three levels to: A. Hiddenness, B. Revelation, C. How the Hidden is revealed, he uses the Hebrew expression הרגש הפלאת העצמות and explains this to be revelation.