Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Class One: Korach argues with Moshe (over Aharon) on two levels. (1) He holds that Middas HaGevura (exactitude) is preferred to Middas HaChessed; (2) He holds that Machlokes (צמצום וחשך) itself is advantageous. Korach will be right in Olom Habba, but (A) not now, (B) only if we do the Giluyim now first.
Class Two: This class includes the beginning and the end of the Ma'amar explaining the Possuk השם נפשינו בחיים ולא נתן למוט רגלינו; this is explained to mean: (1) Hashem adds life to the already living (on the level of חי בעצם) Neshama, and (2) as a result, on the lowest level the leg of the Neshama will ot slip. Only by adding on the highest level is it protected on the lowest end.
At the end of the Ma'amar this is connected to using all Gashmiyus for Avodas Hashem (לשם שמים) rather than appreciating the Goldiness within the world itself (בכל דרכיך דעיהו). The the latter is a higher level, it is not for this world and not what Hashem wants. He wants us to blend the Gevura (darkness, world) with Chessed.
He further connects this to Yud Beis Tamuz, which was a great (super-natural) miracle within nature itself.It sets up Liasid when we will be able to appreciate the Godliness of the world by itself (בכל דרכיך דעיהו) but we must wait.