Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Bila Hamaves Lanetzach 5725.
This class was given at 770 in a large event, it has an introduction for about 10 minutes on the Rebbetzin.
The idea of the Ma’amar is that immortality is natural and death is an introduction (unnatural) as a response for there being evil in the world, connected to the original sin of eating from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
As soon as that is corrected, it returns to “normal” that we again live forever.
What it takes to effectuate this is a great light that leaves no room for darkness at all.
In Avodah, this is the idea of Hating Evil absolutely, and loving Hashem absolutely, (being a perfect Tzadik).
The Rebbe proposes that every Yid has such moments, and that those moments stretch across all of our moments and earn for us eternal life.