Rabbi Yossi Paltiel


Class One: This is the inverse to the Ma'amar of the 10 Shvat Basi Ligani, as it is about Torah and Har Sinai rather than about Dira BiTachtonim (building the Beis HaMikdash).
The idea of Mattan Torah and Torah gives the Koach for all that will happen later.
The Zohar says the Torah wouldn't be given unless Yisro submitted. His submission therefore becomes a part of what HASHEM gave us (from the top down).
He adds to the Torah (and Mattan Torah), darkness is transformed, and added to light.
There are two levels in this, the first is in this class, the second will be IYH in the next class.
Point One: חכמת חיצוניות is elevated and it adds the transformed darkness to light.

Class Two: Point Two: The Torah itself is greater and more because of Yisro's submission.
This is argued based on the double expression in Possuk יתרון האור מתוך החשך כיתרון החכמה מן הסכלות and the fact that it starts with וראיתי אני arguing that this indicates that it is a huge Chidush.
The Chidush is that it is not only Klipa being added to Kedusha but the Kedusha is altogether different due to this Birur.
It adds to the Torah Etzem (essence) which changes the Torah itself, including the nature of חידושי תורה.

Class Three: Yisro's admission עתה ידעתי כי גדול הוי' מכל האלוקים explains the nature of this addition (that Torah now has Atzmus).
First of all: above all (physical) Avoda Zara.
Second of all: above the כוכבים ומזלות this means higher than the מלאכים that Hashem gave (מזלות) to each of the nations. These are also called נבדלים, removed from גשמיות but removed from אלקות as well.
Third of all: Above השתלשלות and ספירות that are actually G-dliness but they are a Metzius; which are called in ChaZaL, נטיעות, and Yisro sees past them also.
He related to Atzmus and as such added Atzmus to the Torah, which changes what the Torah is and how we can be Michadesh in Torah.


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